Conventional Loans Come in Many Flavors! Most fixed-rate Conventional loans are sold to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These are quasi-government enterprises that buy loans from mortgage companies like AMC. This allows us an unlimited amount of low-interest, fixed-rate money to offer to you. AMC Cuts the Red Tape! Most borrowers can be approved for their Fannie Mae loan in less than 15 minutes at AMC. We often are able to substantially reduce the documentation needed. Even the appraisal can be simply a drive-by for many borrowers which cuts costs and time. Adjustable Rate Mortgages! If you want a low initial rate in trade for the possibility of future adjustments, an Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) may be right for you. Many people prefer an ARM when they believe their income will increase significantly over the next several years. ARMs are always the right choice if you find you are only going to be in the house for a few years. AMC offers ARMs with up to 7 years before there are any adjustments. Of course the longer the initial fixed period, the closer the rate gets to a fixed-rate. Credit, Income and Downpayment Considerations Whenever you have at least 20% downpayment, Conventional is the way to go. If you have good credit, we offer Fannie Mae loans with as little as 3% downpayment. Fannie Mae loans do require proof of income. They are available for second homes and non-owner occupied properties with a slightly higher downpayment. |